  • 牙医的奇遇

  • 主演:安德烈·米亚赫科夫  Vera Vasilyeva  Alisa Frejndlikh  阿丽萨·弗雷因德利赫  
  • 状态:HD中字
  • 导演:依莱姆·克里莫夫  
  • 类型:喜剧片
  • 简介:

      This is story about a dentist with the talent of painlessly extracting teeth, and what happens to him as a result of being naturally good at his job. It is told with humour (much of it quite subtle, almost surreal, and in the background - imagine a street scene where everyone on the sidewalk on one side of the road walks in just one direction, and on the other side in the other), poignancy, and a frequent breaking of the 4th wall between the movie and the audience (think of what happens in Shakespeare's plays, and you'll be close). It also features some songs by Novella Matveyeva, a famous Russian singer-songwriter (her songs are sung by the leading actress).





视频更新时间:2024-04-06 09:56





影片演员:安德烈·米亚赫科夫  Vera Vasilyeva  Alisa Frejndlikh  阿丽萨·弗雷因德利赫  


剧情介绍:依莱姆·克里莫夫  导演执导的《牙医的奇遇》,该影片在1965其它发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑, HD中字,由安德烈·米亚赫科夫  Vera Vasilyeva  Alisa Frejndlikh  阿丽萨·弗雷因德利赫  等主演的一部不错的其它的喜剧片。

  This is story about a dentist with the talent of painlessly extracting teeth, and what happens to him as a result of being naturally good at his job. It is told with humour (much of it quite subtle, almost surreal, and in the background - imagine a street scene where everyone on the sidewalk on one side of the road walks in just one direction, and on the other side in the other), poignancy, and a frequent breaking of the 4th wall between the movie and the audience (think of what happens in Shakespeare's plays, and you'll be close). It also features some songs by Novella Matveyeva, a famous Russian singer-songwriter (her songs are sung by the leading actress).


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